Robert De Niro and Michael Moriarty star in this superbly crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two baseball players. Moriarty plays the team's ace pitcher and social charmer; De Niro is the catcher, a farm boy from Georgia who lacks all of Moriarty's sophistication...
Robert De Niro and Michael Moriarty star in this superbly crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two baseball players. Moriarty plays the team's ace pitcher and social charmer; De Niro is the catcher, a farm boy from Georgia who lacks all of Moriarty's sophistication...
Robert De Niro and Michael Moriarty star in this superbly crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two baseball players. Moriarty plays the team's ace pitcher and social charmer; De Niro is the catcher, a farm boy from Georgia who lacks all of Moriarty's sophistication...