Clayton Hostetter, US Marshal, makes his living rousting out range agitators, fence cutters, them that mutilate the cattle and make the circles in the crops, and general uncivilized folk. Just now, he's ordered by President Theodore Roosevelt himself to bring in Ehnrich Boehm, aka The Dark Man, the most ornery outlaw you ever did know. Wanted for murder, mayhem, terrorism, and conspiracy to destroy the eighteen contiguous universes (also blasphemy and vandalism), Boehm is truly a formidable bad man. He's wily, powerful, ruthless, and travels with a demon horse and a psychotic Yorkshire terrier. Such a foe is too much for even a federal marshal to handle, so Hostetter puts together a stalwart posse consisting of an inter-dimensional scientist who is a light projection from a dying universe, a ten-year-old boy who might be thirty, or sixty, or maybe forty, a frontier guide, and Bigfoot (yes, that Bigfoot). Hostetter and his gang track the Dark Man across the West, across dimensions, and to the very end of the multiverse, weathering motorcycle gangs, Wild Indians like you've never seen, and the dreaded Mini-skirted Zombie Ninja Japanese Schoolgirls with Laser Eyes and Apocalypse Panties. It's Blazing Saddles meets Wild, Wild West with a pinch of The Golden Compass and Harry and the Hendersons. It's the weird western to beat all weird westerns, and it's yours for a week's honest cowhand wages and a plate of beans. Bad Lands. Part of the Nightwatch uber-series. Take a gander, pard
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