Kenton's career as a journalist depended on his facility with languages, his knowledge of European politics, and his quick judgment. Where his judgment sometimes failed him was in his personal life. When he finds himself on a train bound for Austria with insufficient funds after...
Kenton's career as a journalist depends on his facility with languages, his knowledge of European politics and his quick judgement. Where his judgement sometimes fails him, however, is in his personal life. When he travels to Nuremberg to investigate a story about a top-level...
I nattoget p? vej til den strigske by Linz p?tager den engelske journalist Kenton sig en tilsyneladende harml s smugleropgave, der kan skaffe ham nogle let tjente penge. Men opgaven for mr. Sachs viser sig at v re mere indviklet, end Kenton havde forestillet sig. Pludselig er...