The fifth installment of Edgar Rice Burroughs's Pellucidar series, Back to the Stone Age recounts the strange adventures of Lieutenant von Horst, a member of the original crew that sailed to Pellucidar with Jason Gridley and Tarzan who is left behind in the inner world...
""Back to the Stone Age"" is an enthralling adventure novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, known for its imaginative storytelling and captivating narrative. Set in the lost world of Pellucidar, the story follows the protagonist, Tanar, as he embarks on a perilous journey through a...
Back to the Stone Age is a novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fifth in his series set in the lost world of Pellucidar. It first appeared as a six-part serial in Argosy Weekly from January 9 to February 13, 1937 under the title Seven Worlds to Conquer. It was first...
Five hundred miles beneath the surface of the Earth lies another world - a world of eternal day and endless horizons, in which dinosaurs still roam and cavemen hunt and terrors forgotten in the outer world still survive. Lieutenant von Horst, member of an exploring expedition,...
Five hundred miles beneath the surface of the Earth lies another world - a world of eternal day and endless horizons, in which dinosaurs still roam and cavemen hunt and terrors forgotten in the outer world still survive. Lieutenant von Horst, member of an exploring expedition,...
Five hundred miles beneath the surface of the Earth lies another world - a world of eternal day and endless horizons, in which dinosaurs still roam and cavemen hunt and terrors forgotten in the outer world still survive. Lieutenant von Horst, member of an exploring expedition,...
Five hundred miles beneath the surface of the Earth lies another world - a world of eternal day and endless horizons, in which dinosaurs still roam and cavemen hunt and terrors forgotten in the outer world still survive. Lieutenant von Horst, member of an exploring expedition,...
Five hundred miles beneath the surface of the Earth lies another world - a world of eternal day and endless horizons, in which dinosaurs still roam and cavemen hunt and terrors forgotten in the outer world still survive. Lieutenant von Horst, member of an exploring expedition,...