"...a wonderful guide for anyone interested in awakening to a level of consciousness where anxiety simply does not exist." ―Leonard Jacobson, author of Journey into Now and founder of the Conscious Living Foundation
Awakening from Anxiety author and counselor, Connie Habash, has helped hundreds of spiritual people like you overcome fear, experience anxiety relief, regain happiness, and feel calmer from within.
Spiritual people can suffer from anxiety and depression too. Often, people on a spiritual path have high expectations for themselves-so much so that they become more susceptible to perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety. Sometimes, traditional relaxation techniques either don't work, don't last, or, in some cases, actually increase their anxiety.
The missing keys to managing anxiety. Psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and interfaith minister Rev. Connie L. Habash shows us a way to transform our perceptions using mindful awareness, to overcome fear, awaken from stress and worry, and deepen our spiritual awakening. In over 25 years as a counselor helping spiritual people overcome anxiety, Rev. Connie has taught that it takes more than chanting mantras, stretching, or relaxation techniques to calm anxiety. It requires a transformation in perception and a conscious response to thoughts and emotions.
If you benefited from books such as Stop Anxiety from Stopping You; Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times; or First, We Make the Beast Beautiful; Awakening from Anxiety is a book you need to read.