This novel narrates the incredible adventure of three explorers that travel to the moon in a hollow missile. The impact of a meteorite alters the trajectory of the vessel and their adventure embarks on a path that allows them to observe the moon like no one else has ever seen...
Volume 7 of 54 of Jules Verne's "Extraordinary Voyages", first printed in 1870.The sequel to Jules Verne's "From The Earth To The Moon", where an American expedition attempts to land on the surface of the moon. Helping to define the science-fiction genre, this classic adventure...
Autour de la Lune est un roman d'anticipation de Jules Verne, paru en 1869.C'est la suite du roman De la Terre la Lune, paru en 1865.Ce roman d crit les aventures des trois hommes (Nicholl, Barbicane et Michel Ardan) qui sont mont s dans un obus tir par un immense canon pour...
Continuing the narrative from Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, Barbicane, Nicholl, and Michael are ready to travel to the moon in All Around the Moon. The three men sit anxiously in their bullet-shaped projectile, ready for take-off. After the launch,...
Julio Verne narra las aventuras de los pasajeros instalados dentro de una bala gigante que los lleva hacia la Luna. Mientras en "De la Tierra a la Luna" se dedica a explicar minuciosamente c mo unos emprendedores planean y ejecutan todos los preparativos para un viaje hacia la...
Julio Verne narra las aventuras de los pasajeros instalados dentro de una bala gigante que los lleva hacia la Luna. Mientras en "De la Tierra a la Luna" se dedica a explicar minuciosamente c mo unos emprendedores planean y ejecutan todos los preparativos para un viaje hacia la...
This novel is the sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is and continues the trip to the moon which was only partially described in the previous novel. It is the seventh of the Voyages Extraordinaires, the 54-novel-series written by Verne, which in his own words intended "to...
La historia de un par de estadounidenses y un franc s que deciden viajar a la luna dentro de una bala enorme. Una vez emprendido el viaje se quedan atrapados orbitando alrededor de la luna. Cuando por fin logran aterrizar, deciden ir del otro lado de la luna, es decir, del lado...
Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 - 1905) is best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. In this sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, Barbicane, Ardan, and Nicholl have decided to take a trip around...
Comme pr vu (De la Terre la Lune), le 1er d cembre, bord d'un norme projectile d'aluminium lanc par un gigantesque canon de 900 pieds de long, s'embarquent pour la Lune: le solennel pr sident du Gun-Club de Baltimore, Impey Barbicane, l'imp tueux capitaine Nicholl et le...
The moment that the great clock belonging to the works at Stony Hill had struck ten, Barbican, Ardan and M'Nicholl began to take their last farewells of the numerous friendssurrounding them. The two dogs intended to accompany them had been already depositedin the Projectile...
Pendant le cours de l'ann e 186., le monde entier fut singuli rement mu par une tentative scientifique sans pr c dents dans les annales de la science. Les membres du Gun-Club, cercle d'artilleurs fond Baltimore apr s la guerre d'Am rique, avaient eu l'id e de se mettre en...
- La bibliographie de l'auteur- Ses principales oeuvres- Suite du roman De la Terre la Lune. Michel Ardan, Nicholl et Barbicane ont surv cu la terrible d flagration qui les a envoy s dans l'espace. Malgr la frayeur caus e par un ast ro de qui manque de les pulv riser, ils...
conclus que nous avons vingt-six minutes, r pondit Ardan. --Vingt-quatre seulement, dit Nicholl. --Vingt-quatre, si tu y tiens, mon brave capitaine, r pondit Ardan, vingt-quatre minutes pendant lesquelles on pourrait approfondir... --Michel, dit Barbicane, pendant notre travers...