If you have been struggling to find a diet that focuses on getting and remaining healthy, the information contained in this book may be just what you have been searching for.
Most diets concentrate on weight loss This diet sees you as more than just a waistline wanting to get smaller. Most diets focus on the aesthetic appeal of losing weight in certain areas rather than taking the more holistic route to whole health wellness. While weight loss certainly has appeal, the rise of food sensitivities, allergies, and a better understanding of Autoimmune Diseases has fueled the demand for diets promoting lifestyle and health management over pounds lost.
This diet is food restrictive, but not from a purely weight loss goal. Instead, the AIP Diet is intended to help heal our immune system, making it less likely to cause painful and sometimes, life restricting flare-ups.
This can be difficult for most people, but if you are vegan, it can be even harder. However, with this book, you can learn what you can do to make it work. This book is a complete guide on how to heal your body through vegan diets and recipes that are designed to help you to feel better than ever. In particular, you will discover several different meals that are delicious, easily made, and entirely AIP and Vegan
◆ Autoimmune Disease Anti-Inflammatory Diet 30 Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Recipes to Eat Well Every Day and Improve Health Fast Without Feeling on a Diet
◆ Autoimmune Protocol Diet: The Complete Guide to the Protocol to Improving Your Health With the Autoimmune Diet