Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119543619) was previously published as Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780764599026). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not...
The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself...
Most of us don't know the first thing about the machines we're licensed to drive - and this can turn a ticket to freedom into a ticket to trouble. If you're like most people, you probably tend to drive around until something goes wrong with the car. You then incur the expense...
Get the confidence and know-how you need to fix and maintain your vehicle like a pro Want to handle basic auto repairs yourself? This easy-to-follow guide gives you the nuts and bolts of diagnosing trouble and performing simple maintenance and repairs on your vehicle. You'll...
This is the hardcover format of Auto Repair For Dummies , 2nd Edition The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now...