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GamesEven if this book is a great resource for those little mundane items that are often overlooked, "Aurora's" running commentary in this book regarding the items is worth the price alone. I must have worn out two or three copies of this book in the sixteen years that I've been gaming. I hope that the fine folks at Wizards of the Coast wise up and re-release this for third edition F & R (though as others have said in their reviews,...
So, you want to buy bandages? How about inventions only DaVinci could come up with? How about all those odds & ends that thieves need to escape? How about simple laborers tools. This is the book for you. This book adds MANY items that the D & D game lacked. A vial that restores hit points can be bought. Various clothing that improves AC that even a wizard & sorceror could wear is also here (Boom's Garden section).Pick...
Usually your stuck trying to make some good equipment but with this book you got it all.
I do believe that this is the greatest thing you can have when playing AD & D. This book has everything you could imagine and USE in AD & D. Everything but the kitchen sink... and thats proabably in here too I just havent found it!
The quintessential book for those players and DMs whom must have everything a character/NPC could need. From gnomish lanterns to chain mail corsets, wilderness gear to wines & cheese. If you need it, want it or have coin to spare you will find it here. Never again be out in the cold with just trousers and a jerkin on. Go and buy yourself a stylsih full fur cloak and a pair of fur lined mittens and get this book while...