""Aunt Hannah And Seth"" is a heartwarming novel by James Otis, first published in 1900. The story follows the lives of Aunt Hannah and her nephew Seth, who live in a small New England village. Aunt Hannah is a kind and gentle woman who is loved by everyone in the village, while...
James Otis Kaler (1848-1912) was an American journalist and author of children's literature. He used the pen name James Otis. He got a job with the Boston Journal when he was in his teens. Later, he went on to work as a journalist or editor for various newspapers, a superintendent...
""Aunt Hannah and Seth"" is a novel written by James Otis and was first published in 1900. The story revolves around Aunt Hannah, a kind-hearted woman who lives in a small New England town with her nephew, Seth. Aunt Hannah is known for her generosity and willingness to help...
"Aunt Hannah and Seth" from James Otis Kaler. American journalist and author of children's literature; he wrote under the name James Otis (1848-1912).
The book "" Aunt Hannah and Seth "" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has...