Chateaubriand's tragic tale of forbidden love illustrated by the legendary artist Gustave Dor?. The full-size Dor?-illustrated version of the famed novella, Atala, is an unforgettable visual experience delivered by an artist at the peak of his career. This Retro...
Chactas et Atala s'aiment mais ils appartiennent des tribus ennemies et, si Atala d cide, finalement, de fuir avec Chactas dans la for t, il est d'autres emp chements leur bonheur... R fugi s dans la communaut du p re Aubry, ils ne pourront pr venir le destin malgr l'influence...
Atala: Or The Love And Constancy Of Two Savages In The Desert is a novel written by French author Francois Auguste Rene Chateaubriand in 1814. The story is set in the wilderness of the American frontier during the mid-18th century and follows the tragic love story of two Native...
Ariel Juvenil recoge las obras m?s importantes e influyentes de la literatura universal, en una versi?n adaptada con ilustraciones tipo c?mic. Atala es parte de esta gran colecci?n. En el contexto de la colonizaci?n francesa en la Am?rica Septentrional, Chactas,...
""Atala o los amores de dos salvajes en el desierto"" es una novela escrita por el autor franc�����s Fran�����ois-Ren����� de Chateaubriand, publicada en 1813. La historia...
"Atala" de Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand. Ecrivain romantique et homme politique francais (1768-1848)."
Excerpt from Atala Si tout est silence et repos dans les savanes de l'autre c t du fleuve, tout ici, au contraire, est mouvement et murmure: des coups de bec contre le tronc des ch nes, des froissements d'animaux qui marchent, broutent ou broient entre leurs dents...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Ce livre est une dition sp ciale de deux chefs-d'oeuvre de la litt rature fran aise: Atala de Fran ois-Ren Chateaubriand et La Chaumi re indienne de Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. Les deux histoires sont des r cits po tiques et romantiques sur l'amour et la nature,...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
"Atala" est un roman romantique qui se d roule dans le contexte de la Louisiane fran aise, l' poque de la colonisation fran aise en Am rique du Nord. L'histoire est centr e sur Chactas, un jeune guerrier indien chactas, et Atala, une belle jeune femme chr tienne m tisse. L'histoire...
This classic work of French literature tells the story of Atala, a Native American girl who falls in love with a young European man. Written by Fran?ois Ren? Chateaubriand, one of the most important writers of the Romantic movement in France, this book is a lyrical and moving...
This classic work of romantic literature tells the story of two Native Americans who fall in love against the backdrop of the French colonization of North America. The lyrical prose and vivid settings make Atala an immersive and enchanting read. The themes of love, nature,...
This classic work of French literature tells the story of Atala, a Native American girl who falls in love with a young European man. Written by Fran?ois Ren? Chateaubriand, one of the most important writers of the Romantic movement in France, this book is a lyrical and moving...