Well and entertainingly written, this guide should be read cover to cover by everyone in the restaurant business. This guy knows the deal and understands that dated concepts like shift rivalry and waiters vs cooks only make restaurants fail. Wanna succeed? Read this!
this book is a great review or clarification for anyone who has to run any restaurant, it offers suggestions to rookies and pros.
I only bought this book for my Restaurant Management class homework. I was suprised to find out that there was no question and answers at the end of each chapters, like most of my text books for class. Overall the book was very informative. I especially liked that it did have a lot of photos. Some of my books are all text reading, borrrring.At Your Service: A Hands-On Guide to the Professional Dining Room
This book is the best book on the subject from the authority. A must have.
I was trained by the author John Fischer at the CIA. He is an excellent teacher of the FoH Art. It is truely an art to wait on people and give the guest every thing they could possibly want or need. John is a great and excellent teacher that dove into the realms of the ways and hows and whats to do and when to do it sequences. I got to see him in action behind a bar one afternoon serving up as the bartender that did not...