An asthma attack is a sharp deterioration. The cause of the attack can be several: excessive exercise, various environmental factors, stress and contact with allergens. During an asthma attack, the airways become inflamed, narrowed, and mucus secretion increases. All this can cause breathing problems, wheezing, coughing, lack of air, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. The manifestation of symptoms can provoke a feeling of fear, suspense, and helplessness.
In asthma, it is very important to monitor your health on a daily basis. One method is the asthma control test, as well as PEF metry. The PEF meter is a device that measures the maximum expiratory flow rate. With it, you can evaluate the movement of air in the respiratory tract and the strength of the muscles that provide this action.
To learn more effective ways to handle asthmatic symptoms, do get a copy of this book now
About the Author
Nicholas Tyler is a health practitioner who has a passion for quality healthcare delivery. He has worked in the healthcare department for several years with vast experience in healthcare delivery services.
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