Ashes Of Evidence is a classic mystery novel written by Eric Levison and published in 1921. The story follows the investigation of a murder that takes place in a small English village. The victim is a wealthy businessman who is found dead in his home, and the prime suspect is...
Ashes of Evidence is a mystery novel written by Eric Levison and published in 1921. The story revolves around the investigation of a murder case that takes place in a small English village. The victim is a wealthy businessman, and the prime suspect is his wife, who stands to...
Ashes of Evidence is a mystery novel written by Eric Levison and published in 1921. The story revolves around the murder of a wealthy businessman, Mr. John Bellingham, who is found burned to death in his home. The police initially suspect his wife, who has a motive for the crime,...
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections
such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact,
or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe...
When a prominent lawyer is found dead in his office, detective Jake Sands must unravel a complex web of secrets and lies to find the killer. With the help of his team and a brilliant forensic scientist, Sands uncovers a shocking conspiracy that threatens to destroy the city's...
When a prominent lawyer is found dead in his office, detective Jake Sands must unravel a complex web of secrets and lies to find the killer. With the help of his team and a brilliant forensic scientist, Sands uncovers a shocking conspiracy that threatens to destroy the city's...