Introducing the Continental Op - one of the first hard-boiled private investigators. Suspecting insurance fraud, the Op investigates the burning of an isolated farmhouse and its reclusive inhabitant. Dashiell Hammett, the father of hard-boiled crime fiction, created the Continental...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...
"Arson Plus" is the story that introduced the world to the Continental Op, the nameless detective whom Dashiell Hammett described as "a little man going forward day after day through mud and blood and death and deceit-as callous and brutal and cynical as necessary" (William F...