In Arnold Bramble, a Country Fox, children will embark on an exciting adventure that will transport them to a fantasy world full of wonder and excitement. Follow Arnold, a brave and curious fox who finds himself lost in the big city.
The vivid illustrations bring Arnold's story to life, captivating children. During his adventure, Arnold meets Jimmy Tugboat, a town fox who shows him the sights of London and helps him survive. Will Arnold be able to find his way back home to Bluebell Wood and his best friend, Rosebush the Badger? Perfect for children ages 0-11, Arnold Bramble, a Country Fox, is a heartwarming tale that will inspire and entertain readers of all ages. With its charming characters, engaging storyline, and beautiful illustrations, this book is sure to become a beloved classic in any child's library. So what are you waiting for? Join Arnold on his incredible adventure today and discover the magic of Arnold Bramble, a Country Fox for yourself