Aristophanes: The Wasps is a play written by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, first performed in Athens in 422 BCE. The play follows the story of a father and son, Philocleon and Bdelycleon, who are both obsessed with serving on juries and finding fault with others...
Aristophanes: The Wasps is a play written by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. The play was first performed in Athens in 422 BCE and was later translated into English in 1868. The play is a satirical comedy that mocks the Athenian legal system and the political elite...
Aristophanes: The Wasps is a play written by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes in the 5th century BCE. The play follows the story of a man named Philocleon, who is addicted to serving on juries and finds great pleasure in punishing those who have committed crimes. His...