Anyone that wants to be part of the solution must understand the problem
Arise Daughter of Zion offers practical approach and insights based on biblical principles and contemporary views on how daughters of the Living God could arise to the challenges within our families and communities without breaking down or getting drained by these daunting tasks.
The wall is broken, the gates are crushed and the city is in ruins. This is the state of many communities and families today just like it was in the days of Deborah. In this book, you will;
Arise Daughter of Zion is a clarion call for every daughter of Zion to arise and seize the moment to be a positive change catalyst wherever we are based. The time is now Arise and take your rightful place in the family, community and market place. Arise and be counted as solution and not a problem.
Buy this eye-opening, mind-challenging and outstanding revelation today and unlock the rich treasury of God