Many people suffer from an unhealthy need for affirmation. For some the quest for approval becomes an actual addiction, as they seek self-worth from the outside. Meyer believes that God provides all the security anyone needs, and offers a path toward freedom from approval addiction...
En la actualidad hay mucha gente con la necesidad de obtener aprobaci n de una forma poco saludable. Los "adictos a la aprobaci m" se pasan en una lucha constante con la baja autoestima y la confusi n de sentimientos, la cual les acarrea serios problemas en las relaciones con...
La adicci?n es aquello que ejerce control sobre la persona, ya sea algo que le resulte imprescindible o de lo cual dependa para aliviar el dolor. Actualmente, existe una epidemia de inseguridad. La gente tiene la necesidad de obtener aprobaci?n de manera poco saludable y, de...
There is an epidemic of insecurity in society today. Many people suffer from an unhealthy need for affirmation. They are not capable of feeling good about themselves. For some the quest for approval becomes an actual addiction, as they seek self-worth from the outside world because...
There is an epidemic of insecurity in society today. Many people suffer from an unhealthy need for affirmation. They are not capable of feeling good about themselves. For some the quest for approval becomes an actual addiction, as they seek self-worth from the outside world because...