See below for English description.
Une formidable initiation aux cycles de la vie pour les enfants en bas ge qui commencent d couvrir le monde autour d'eux. Ce livre contient des roulettes pouvant tre actionn es afin de r v ler les diff rents stades d' volution de cinq animaux: papillon, coccinelle, grenouille, oiseau et chien.
Combin es aux charmantes illustrations, les images de vrais animaux ne manqueront pas de retenir l'attention des jeunes lecteurs qui s'int ressent aux sciences.
A delightful introduction to life cycles for very young children just learning about the world around them. The book includes rotating wheels that can be turned to reveal the stages in five different life cycles: butterfly, ladybug, frog, bird, and puppy.
Bright photographs of real animals combined with charming illustrations create pages that will instantly appeal to young readers interested in STEM
Original title: Scholastic Early Learners: Turn to Learn Watch Me Grow