See below for English description.
Ce livre de coloriage interactif de la collection Apprendre avec Scholastic combine parfaitement apprentissage et plaisir.
Chaque page comporte une grande image colorier et un mot tracer pour d velopper la ma trise du stylo, la motricit fine et les comp tences en criture.
Il comprend des activit s de d nombrement, de liaison de points et de tra age ce qui contribue non seulement l'apprentissage des nombres, mais aussi exerce la coordination oeil-main.
Build pen control and fine motor skills with this interactive colouring book from Apprendre avec Scholastic.
With more than 200 pages of basic learning alongside engaging colouring activities, this book is the perfect mix of learning and fun. Includes two sheets of stickers
Apprendre avec Scholastic is a dedicated learning program that builds school skills from infancy through third grade. Created by experts and focused on reinforcing curriculum topics and current academic guidelines with kid-friendly activities, this educational line is the best partner in your child's learning journey.
Apprendre avec Scholastic: The Most Trusted Name in Learning
Original title: Scholastic Early Learners: My Big Color and Learn Book