APA Style Basics: Writing Student Papers in Psychology and the Social Sciences will teach you how to:
Come up with an appropriate topic
Use psychology databases like PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES
Write a great introduction - from opening hook to thesis statement
Work from an outline - your paper writes itself
Develop the body of your paper so that it logically follows from your thesis statement
Properly cite and reference all your sources
In addition, the book answers important questions like:
How often should citations be used and what is an "in-text" citation?
What is the difference between an "A" paper and a "B" paper? And a "C" paper?
How can social media be incorporated into an academic paper?
How can plagiarism be avoided and how do professors detect it?
And so much MORE
APA Style Basics also includes sample a sample student paper and journal submission, in addition to references for a variety of possible topics in psychology
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