The Anne of Green Gables Collection brings together the first three books from the enduring Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery, a classic of children's literature. When eleven-year-old Anne Shirley is mistakenly sent to Green Gables...
The Anne of Green Gables Collection brings together the first three books from the enduring Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery, a classic of children's literature. When eleven-year-old Anne Shirley is mistakenly sent to Green Gables...
Anne of Green Gables is a bestselling series of books by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery first published in 1908. Originally written as fiction for readers of all ages, in recent decades they have been considered a children's series. Since publication, Anne of Green Gables...
Anne of Green Gables Anne (with an e of course) starts out as a mistake. The elderly Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert had planned on adopting a boy to help Matthew with the chores on their Prince Edward Island farm. What are they to do with the red-haired, high-spirited girl who...
Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook...