The candid, poignant, unforgettable writing of the young girl whose own life story has become an everlasting source of courage and inspiration. Hiding from the Nazis in the "Secret Annex" of an old office building in Amsterdam, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne Frank became...
Hiding from the Nazis in the "Secret Annexe" of an old office building in Amsterdam, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne Frank became a writer. The now famous diary of her private life and thoughts reveals only part of Anne's story, however. This book completes the portrait of...
Hiding from the Nazis in the Secret Annexe of an old office building in Amsterdam, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne Frank became a writer. The now famous diary of her private life and thoughts reveals only part of Anne's story, however. This book completes the portrait of...
Anne Frank: Kurzgeschichten und Textentw?rfe Vollst?ndig verlinkte eBook-Ausgabe, mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis, Vorwort und verlinkten Fu noten Wer nur Anne Franks Tagebuch kennt, kennt zu wenig. Zwischen ihrem 13. und 15. Lebensjahr schrieb das M?dchen im Versteck im Hinterhaus...