"Inspiring...Crammed with facts and anecdotes about Temple Grandin's favorite subject: the senses, brains, emotions, and amazing talents of animals."--New York Times Book Review
A groundbreaking look at the emotional...
With unique personal insight, experience, and hard science, Animals in Translation is the definitive, groundbreaking work on animal behavior and psychology. Temple Grandin's professional training as an animal scientist and her history as a person with autism...
Nur einer hochbegabten Autistin wie Temple Grandin konnte es gelingen, das Verhalten von Tieren so genau zu beobachten und zu analysieren, dass sie mehr ber sie verstand als die meisten anderen Menschen. Denn Tiere sind uns hnlich, viel mehr, als wir bislang dachten. Temple...
With unique personal insight, experience, and hard science, Animals in Translation is the definitive, groundbreaking work on animal behavior and psychology. Temple Grandin's professional training as an animal scientist and her history as a person with autism...
Release Date: Jun 10, 2025