Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...