A great accomplishment. Merlis breaks very fresh literary ground with this imaginative tale of contemporary hustler/stripper/heir Pyrrhus being led by an oracle (and a eunuch) to claim his birthright as the son of Achilles and conquerer of The Trojans in the Trojan War. AN ARROW'S FLIGHT is a brilliant (and tres gay) retelling of THE ODYSSEY as well as an on-target commentary on current gay identity and politics. The narrative...
"How did he do that!?" That's the thought that kept popping up in my head as I read this wonderful wonderful book. The anachronisms are brilliantly funny & clever; Merlis is a pure genius & has written a perfect piece of literature. I highly recommend anyone to read this novel; particularly if you enjoy Greek mythology as I do... Merlis succeeds in humanizing these bigger-than-life characters... A definite must-read!
I was interested in this book as I studied Classical Studies in university and I enjoy gay fiction. This seemed a fascinating combination for a book. I was more impressed than I expected to be. It was a nice spin on the many books that look at the period at the beginning of the AIDS crisis in that the reader does not immediately see the connection. The initial talk of gods and demigods and, god forbid, hemidemigods,...
It's rare that I've missed a book so much on finishing it. A great concept ... updating Homer while keeping some of the mystery of the time. Wonderfully, humanely, relishingly gay. No pretension whatsoever in this for me ... just a lovely guy writing beautifully and cleanly, daring his imagination to break the bounds. Well done to St Martin's for publishing it so well ... it's a handsome book. If you're in any doubt at...
I haven't been this impressed with a work of fiction in quite some time. Mark Merlis sets himself up to fail, with his idea of semi-updating the Trojan war, and then succeeds so wondrously. He catches the reader quickly with opening chapters that are funny, engaging, swift-moving (any man or woman who was ever young and confused will identify, but gay men in particular will laugh out loud) then deftly begins weaving in...