Eight exciting classic American Tall Tales This collection includes the famed stories of Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Stormalong, Mike Fink, Davy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed, John Henry, and Joe Magarac, with evocative illustrations by Richard M. Powers.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.
Here are the most robust characters in American legend. Told by a poet with a poet's ear for the impact of words, these American mavericks walk and talk accross the pages in a free, wide way, as they walked and talked accross the free, wide America of pioneer days.