This book arrived in perfect condition and very quickly. It is a good text good and prepares me for class well.
Book was in good condition. Came sooner than expected. Very happy. Thank you :)
The price beats what most college bookstores charge. I always reccommend purchasing online it could cut the cost of the book in half. However if your going to purchase your college book online you should visit the college bookstore and find out what the instructor requires for the class a few weeks ahead of time so you dont get stuck paying for expedited shipping.
This book has a LOT of detail in it. It gives you an excellent idea of how our Federal government is organized, who runs what parts of the government, background on the organization of the Federal government. The book has the full text of the US Constitution, along with the amendments, and explanations of same. There is also a list of all the US Presidents and Vice Presidents. There are links to many websites, both public...