This book is an adorable collection of some of history's most significant cats, complete with cute illustrations. Cats have always been an important part of our lives, capturing our hearts and imaginations for thousands of years. We've had a fascination with our feline companions from the time of the earliest recorded civilizations. Their unbelievable cuteness, mischievousness, and independence make cats an eternal favorite, once worshiped in ancient civilizations and now dominating social media feeds.
The relationship between humans and cats can be traced back to ancient times. In fact, the first evidence of cat and human relationships dates back over 9,500 years, when a grave was discovered containing a cat buried with its human. Cats were later revered as sacred animals in ancient Egypt, believed to possess divine powers, and often mummified after death to be buried with their human companions. In many cultures, cats were seen as symbols of good luck and protection.
In AMAZING CAT STORIES, we have introduced cats that have influenced and helped shape society in ways that no one could have ever predicted. When cats and humans first started their long relationship, it began an incredible journey that is still benefiting humanity. There is no end to the amazing things that cats can achieve, and many more cats await outside these pages.