Along the rugged coast of Maine, a young girl named Alora Borealis embarks on a journey of inner discovery with her wise Nana Dee by her side, her loyal Maine Coon cat, Ari, and a playful baby harbor seal named Willie. Exploring the natural wonders of her small town, its bustling harbor, and whispering woods, Alora learns the power behind Love, Nature, kindness, and harmony.
Join Alora, Nana Dee, and Ari in the enchanting first installment of the "Nana Dee and Ari" Take-Along book series, which captures the growth and inner maturity of a young girl. The journey of friendship and discovery is sure to captivate readers of all ages.
Through Alora's eyes, we learn that true harmony, peace, and understanding start from the heart center within, guiding our interactions with the natural world and nurturing a deep personal growth that resonates with the universal dance of Light, Love, and Interconnectedness.