This book is written by a reformed Bible scholar and a cry to return to biblical Truth. God called the prophet in Jeremiah 1:10 to "root out and pull down and destroy and throw down and build and plant." Biblical truth is absolute truth and of fans the postmodernist who reject absolutes. If scripture is not true, then Christianity is a figment of man's imagination! The claim that biblical truth is the only truth was made by Jesus and his nonnegotiable for the Christian. It is under heavy assault in a western culture liberalism which rejects absolutes. The author has relied heavily on ancient sources such as Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and the Puritan Saints as well as properly verified ancient scripture in the original language and genre.
This book is a call for repentance from lukewarm liberal man-centered theology. The book focuses on some of the basic issues that challenge the Christian today, such as homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, lawlessness, bad eschatology, and man centered exegesis rather than Christ centered theology. Many of the issues are related to the lack of a sound Christ centered biblical exegesis and eschatology and a call to self-sacrifice, humility, selflessness, persecution, and fear of God. Men want a cheap Christianity without paying the cost. The purpose of the book is to be stimulating and challenging to the reader and to be read slowly and thoughtfully. The reader may not agree with all statements in this book, but I guarantee he will be challenged to rethink His position on a variety of Christian and social issues.
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