"Vedic Hinduism" was gaven birth by 1028 Hymns of Rig-Veda, initially written in the 2nd half of the 15th Century BC. Rig-Veda created all major Gods of Vedic Hinduism, who were not at all "religious persons" by vocation. The Greatest God created by Rig-Veda, Indra, [original name Idrim] a boy of South-Western Iraq, born out of an unmarried mother, killed his biological father, served a long tern of Exile in law-less Habiru-infected land of Cannan for 7 years, managed to become a vassal ing of Alaka in the-then Mitanni Kingdom, assacinated the Assyrian King Ashur-Nadin-Ahe-I in 1433 BC, fled to India, achieved great success as an invader, destroyer of cities, mass-killers to settle migrant Indo-Aryans, with the help of his first-time cavalry-force seen by Indian. He declared himself King of all Gods, defied his 63 Cavalry Chiefs, his war-designer Ashvins, his Chief Priest and War-Associate Vrihaspati, his protector in Canaan was deified as God Rudra, his appointer as Vassal King of Alaka, as God Mitra, Indo-Aryan emperor of Babylon as God Varuna, his illicit sons Ribhus, mother Aditi, comrade Vishnu, consort Saranyu, and energy provider for his war-victories, hard drink, Soma-juice. Thus Hinduism started with worshipping of inavaders by the enslaved people of India, under the Indo-Aryan Dynastic rules and Seven Great Rishis, wrote 7 Manadalas of Original Rig-Veda, deifying the living humans as major Vedic Gods, mentioning the great gifts of wealth given by Indra.