His best and worst days were those bay days, the ones that shaped his future.
From the moment he'd graduated high school, Peter Halstead dreamt of a life full of political grandeur and solid achievements. Mocked at every turn, he refuses to make his old man's mistakes, nor will he dig clams forever. A "most successful" career waits for him on the horizon.
Moments in Peter's young life soon steer him away from Clayport, his first love, and his buddies. He never returns to his halcyon bay days.
A forty-year high school reunion brings him back to encounter former classmates. He wants nothing more than to showcase himself. Instead, he compares his life to theirs and discovers he may have squandered his existence.
A crumpled napkin channels him toward an uncharted destination. Illogical choices cause his unconventional actions, altering his remaining days on earth.
Will his future have any purpose? Will yours?