The second in the thrilling New York Times bestselling series from Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, follows television producer Laurie Moran as she investigates the cold case of a bride who went missing days before her wedding. Five years ago, Amanda Pierce was excitedly...
The second thrilling novel in the New York Times bestselling Under Suspicion series following The Cinderella Murder , featuring intrepid television producer Laurie Moran as she investigates the case of a missing bride. Five years ago Amanda Pierce was excitedly preparing to marry...
Vestida de blanco es la segunda novela sobre el programa de televisi n de Laurie Moran. El reality que trata de desvelar los misterios sobre casos sin resolver se centrar esta vez en la desaparici n de una novia el d a de su boda. Hace cinco a os, en el d a en...
A #1 New York Times Bestselling AuthorFive years ago Amanda Pierce was excitedly preparing to marry her college sweetheart in Palm Beach. Then, with their guests and families on site, Amanda disappeared.In present-day New York City, Amanda's desperate mother begs producer Laurie...