"The book takes you to the heart of our loving Father in heaven. It is a must read for anyone desiring to be strongly established in God's love, goodness and grace and who wants to live an overcoming life.
The daily writings present the Gospel in sequence to clearly show the love of God, as unveiled in the Bible. It tracks the creation of man, the fall of man, the blood sacrifice, and Jesus the true Lamb of God. It keeps pointing you to Father, Son and Holy Spirit and builds you strongly in your identity in Christ.
The readings are packed with God's love and life, bringing encouragement, drawing you closer to Him. Each truth is reinforced over a few days to help you become firmly established in what God says about you.
Read with an open heart to receive from Him. As your identity in Christ deepens and your relationship and intimacy with Him grows, you soon find yourself set free from old ways of defeated thinking, fears, anxieties and begin to thrive in His love, peace, joy and victory in this challenging world.
This book is very good for any believer to stay solidly grounded in Christ. It is also helpful for the pre-believer and new believer to be established in the basic truths of the Gospel."