"making a chain of daisies would be a pleasure"
"P iv nkakkaraketjun tekeminen olisi ilo"
"but is it worth the effort of getting up and picking the daisies "
"Mutta onko vaivan arvoista nousta yl s ja poimia koiranputkea "
this was not so easy to think about
T t ei ollut niin helppo ajatella
because the day was making her feel sleepy and stupid
Koska p iv sai h net tuntemaan olonsa uneliaaksi ja tyhm ksi
but suddenly her thoughts were interrupted
Mutta yht kki h nen ajatuksensa keskeytyiv t
a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her
valkoinen kani, jolla oli vaaleanpunaiset silm t, juoksi h nen l hell n
There was nothing overly remarkable about the rabbit
Kanissa ei ollut mit n liian merkitt v
and Alice did not think the rabbit remarkable either
eik Liisa pit nyt kaniakaan merkitt v n
nor did it surprise her when the Rabbit spoke
eik h nt yll tt nyt, kun Kani puhui
"Oh dear I shall be too late " he said to himself
"Voi rakas Min my h styn liian my h n " sanoi h n itsekseen
but then the Rabbit did something that rabbits didn't do
mutta sitten kani teki jotain, mit kanit eiv t tehneet
the Rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket
Kani otti kellon liivitaskustaan
he looked at the time and then hurried on
H n katsoi aikaa ja kiiruhti sitten eteenp in