Alice's Adventures in Wonderland follows Alice as she falls through a rabbit hole into a whimsical and bizarre world. In this strange and fantastical place, Alice encounters a host of peculiar characters, such as the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts, each adding to her surreal journey. Filled with imagination and clever wordplay, Lewis Carroll's beloved classic explores themes of curiosity, logic, and the fluidity of time and...
From Taylor Swift's world domination to Barbenheimer, it's been a year of big stories. As a fun twist on the New Year's tradition of a retrospective on the events of the previous twelve months, we have gathered a collection of ten classic books that sum up 2023.
The Great American Read is an eight-part PBS series that explores and celebrates the power of reading as the heart of an ambitious digital, educational, and community outreach campaign designed to get the country reading and passionately talking about books. One hundred books, to be precise, at least to begin with, so here are the first 20!