Are you tired of boring Swedish textbooks?
The kind of "Hello, my name is ..." We are. Definitely. We know that learning Swedish is hard work, but why shouldn't hard work be fun? That's why we created "Alfred the Ghost" a textbook based on a coherent...
Are you tired of boring Swedish textbooks?
The kind of "Hello, my name is ..." We are. Definitely. We know that learning Swedish is hard work, but why shouldn't hard work be fun? That's why we created "Alfred the Ghost" a textbook based on a coherent...
Keine langweiligen Schwedischb cher mehr Wir haben alle genug von diesen B chern, die mit "Hallo, ich hei e ..." anfangen, oder? Klar, Schwedisch lernen ist Arbeit, aber warum darf Arbeit keinen Spa machen? Darum haben wir Alfred geschrieben: ein Buch,...