INTRODUCTION Enlightenment is a massive and influential project that affected Western traditional society, Greek philosophy and Christian theology. Though massive it continues to have its own adversaries. The adversaries while repudiating the project of enlightenment either wittingly or otherwise have thrown new light on the nature of enlightenment. The present work discusses the work of Alasdair MacIntyre's critique of enlightenment. Let us begin with some background to the project of enlightenment. MacIntyre identifies in Enlightenment project a confrontation between two or amongst many incompatible and incommensurable moral premises and moral commitment among the Enlightenment thinkers. He also finds an ineradicable discrepancy among them. This incompatibility and grim state of affairs, according to him, is caused due to the expression of criterionless choice between modern premises leading to lack of rational justification. (MacIntyre, After Virtue, Duckworth, London, 1981) Charles Taylor's critique of modernity is classified under three malaises. The first malaise is individualism, which provides freedom to people to