In this, the fifth volume in the series "The Story of Civilization," Dr. Will & Ariel Durant have compiled a magnificent treatise covering the Italian Renaissance. At over >720 pages, the reader will discover: The magnificent cities of Renaissance Italy (sovereign Florence, Pisa, Venice, etc.). The Great Artists such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, and more. The Great Medici family. Cesare Boria, the model for Machiavelli's...
After the long Middle Ages, finally there comes the Renaissance. Like all Durant's other books, this one is very good. Like always, you get everything besides history. This is also a nice treat for the Art student. There too many figures to keep track of though. The reader must read carefully and make many mental notes of names. You get some interesting biographical accounts of all the Renaissance masters. The price of the...
I recommend the whole Story of Civilization set. I've got all eleven. Durant is a brilliant writer and macrohistorian. His approach delves deep into the era with more than just a mere political or social history. I bought the set after my history professor recommended it some time ago. He covers Western Civilization and European history with an in-depth clarity that no historian of the 20th century can match. If you like...
I have read all of Durant's books but this one is my favorite. I've read it four times and have taken it with me to Italy. Once you read the book, you too will want to see the works of the artists described so vividly by Durant.
Fun and informative. Mr. Durant's expertise is shared in a very entertaining style. Perhaps not as entertaining as his "Story of Greece" or "Caesar and Christ," but still excellent.
In choosing which National Days and holidays to promote here at ThriftBooks, the goals are usually reading, humor, learning, awareness, and/or having fun, with an undertone of acceptance and diversity, because books are for everyone. But as much as we wish we could include anything and everything, it's simply not possible, at least until quantum physics advances and we can post in alternate universes. Below are 31 (out of 114 possible) October monthly observances worthy of giving more love to, plus eight weekly ones (bonus!).