Instrucciones detalladas para guiar una clase de ni os (grados 1-6) que hayan aceptado a Cristo. Cada una de las cuatro sesiones est dise ada para complementar y ampliar los t picos semanales presentados en el correspondiente Manual para el Escolar. Adem s, tambi n incluye ayudas para la ense anza, que pueden arrancarse y usarse de nuevo, temas de discusi n e ideas para actividades que pueden retar a los ni os a pensar en lo que han aprendido y c mo aplicarlo. Este valioso recurso ofrece una importante manera de dar seguimiento a su EBV o a otros programas de alcance a los ni os.
English Description
Help children understand the decision they have made and what it means to live a Christian life. This resource explains the importance of baptism, the significance of the Lord's Supper, and more. Step-by-step instructions for leading a class for children (grades 1-6) who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. Each of the four sessions is designed to complement and expand on the weekly topics featured in the corresponding self-study Learner Guide. Plus, it includes reusable teaching aids; discussion starters; and activity ideas that will challenge kids to think about and apply what they've learned. A great follow-up to your Vacation Bible School or other children's outreach. (4 sessions).