"I bought a copy for my friend's daughter and she LOVED it There are strong, smart female characters, the book is well paced and well written, and most importantly, it's FUN to read "
-Amazon Customer, 5 Star Review
"My 9 y.o. is a reluctant reader. I always have to start a series out by reading with him. After we finished the 1st chapter, he said: 'Mom, I want to be a ninja ' That was last night. This evening he ran up to me and said: 'I just finished the whole book I love it. VERY MUCH '
-Amazon Customer, 5 Star Review
Thirteen-year-old Agent Darcy is one of the top students at the Bureau of Sneakery, where there are three rules every agent must follow: never make friends with an outsider, never speak of the Bureau, and never reveal your real name. Lately, Darcy has hit a rough patch: her rival, Agent Serena, keeps outdoing her. If things keep going this way, Darcy is convinced that no one will ever assign her a real mission.