Back in print in an all-new edition, is the engaging and illuminating chronicle of the life of the "Queen of Mystery." Fans of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple and readers of John Curran's fascinating biographies Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks and Murder in the Making will...
In her own words, Dame Agatha sheds light on her secretive life and tells of her early years in Victorian England, her marriages and world travels, her rise to success, the creative process behind her acclaimed novels and plays, and the events, places, and people that shaped...
Back in print in an all-new edition, is the engaging and illuminating chronicle of the life of the "Queen of Mystery." Fans of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple and readers of John Curran's fascinating biographies Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks and Murder in the Making will...
In her own words, Dame Agatha sheds light on her secretive life and tells of her early years in Victorian England, her marriages and world travels, her rise to success, the creative process behind her acclaimed novels and plays, and the events, places, and people that shaped...
In her own words, Dame Agatha sheds light on her secretive life and tells of her early years in Victorian England, her marriages and world travels, her rise to success, the creative process behind her acclaimed novels and plays, and the events, places, and people that shaped...