Whereas most of the contributions featured in this collection provide a theoretical approach invoking the necessity of foregrounding new forms of realism for a "feminism beyond gender as culture," some of the essays tackle OOO only to invite a feminist critical challenge to its paradigm, while others refer to some extent to non-philosophy or the new materialisms but are not reducible to either of the two. We have invited essays from intellectual milieus outside the Anglo-Saxon academic center, bringing together authors from Serbia, Slovenia, France, Ireland, the UK, and Canada, aiming to promote feminist internationalism (rather than a "generous act of cultural inclusion").
Katerina Kolozova, Preface: After the "Speculative Turn" -- Nina Power, Philosophy, Sexism, Emotion, Rationalism -- Katherine Behar, The Other Woman -- Anne-Fran oise Schmid, Liberer epistemologiquement le feminisme -- Patricia Ticineto Clough, Notes for "And They Were Dancing" -- Joan Copjec, No: Foucault -- Jelisaveta Blagojevic, Thinking WithOut -- Marina Grzinic, Rearticulating the Speculative Turn -- Frenchy Lunning, The Crush: The Firey Allure of the Jolted Puppet -- Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, (W)omen out/of Time: Metis, Medea, Mahakali -- Michael O'Rourke, "Girls Welcome " Speculative Realism, Object-Oriented Ontology, and Queer Theory
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