Some of the topics you will find in this title are: Fundamental Knowledge of Keyboard Shortcuts: Definition of Computer Keyboard, Ways To Improve In Your Typing Skill, Mouse, Definition Of Keyboard Shortcuts, Why You Should Use Shortcuts.
15 (Fifteen) Special Keyboard Shortcuts.
Tools Panel Overview: View hidden tools, View tool options, Move the Tools panel, View the Tools panel in double-stack or single-column, Hide the Tools panel, Tear off hidden tools into a separate panel, Close a separate tool panel, Change Tool Pointers Default Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Illustrator: Keys for Selecting Tools, Keys for Viewing Artwork, Keys for Drawing, Keys for Drawing in Perspective, Keys for Selecting, Keys for Moving Selections, Keys for Editing Shapes, Keys for Painting Objects, Keys for working with Live Paint Groups, Keys for Transforming Objects, Keys for Creating Variable Width Points, Keys for Working with Type, Keys for Using Panels, Keys for the Actions Panel, Keys for the Brushes Panel, Keys for the Character and Paragraph Panels, Keys for the Color Panel, Keys for the Gradient Panel, Keys for the Layers Panel, Keys for the Swatches Panel, Keys for the Transform Panel, Keys for the Transparency Panel, Function Keys.
Start a new phase in Illustrator today using keyboard shortcuts & many helpful tips contained in this book. Click "Look Inside The Book" to read more about this title.