Improve the performance of all work efforts (achieve cost, schedule, and quality excellence), simplify management, reward true performance, and achieve overall organizational excellence. The book is based on worldwide benchmarking and major performance improvement efforts that changed the culture and significantly improved the performance of a major international corporation (see Applicable to any size organization.
Change Culture
All major work effort teams are composed of personnel from key departments. Hence, instead of departments throwing the work effort over the wall, the work effort team is composed of personnel from all the affected departments.
Management is focused on ensuring competent department personnel and making go or no go work effort decisions .
Implement an Universal Work Effort Format with Decision Quality
Achieve Cost, Schedule, and Quality excellence on any work effort
Implement a Three Level Management System
The three level structure (strategic, major commercial, and project) doesn't change. In addition, the structure establishes a knowledge management base.
Implement Rewards Based On True Performance
Track the results of all work efforts and reward personnel /groups/departments based on delivered value and the making of key decisions.
The Book Methodology is Applicable to Any Organization
Small Business
Typical work efforts might include: developing a business plan, establishing the structure of the business, setting up an accounting system, establishing a marketing plan, building a website, developing consistent proposals, executing customer's projects, etc.Religious
Typical work efforts might include: building a church, developing local assistance programs, establishing fund drives, maintaining volunteer efforts, hiring staff or subcontractors, improvement projects, etc.Government
Typical work efforts might include: hiring personnel, subcontracting offices, maintaining- coordination relationships with other agencies, implementing new directives, upgrading information technology systems, planning for the future, etc.International
Typical work efforts might include: establishing a strategic plan, entering new markets or countries, developing new products, signing new partner agreements, implementing information technology projects, building new manufacturing facilities, operating facilities, etc.Improve An Entire Organization
Lead an Organizational Performance Improvement Effort Eliminate Organizational WallsFocus on Organizational ObjectivesRealize the True Value in Organizations (People)Create a Flat OrganizationCSQ3(R) is a registered trademark of CSQ3 Corporation