A young girl and her grandmother celebrate their home and relationship in this magical story. Winner of the Parents' Choice Award! Come join Rosalba and her grandmother, her abuela, on a magical journey as they fly over the streets, sights, and people of...
A young girl and her grandmother celebrate their home and relationship in this magical story. Winner of the Parents' Choice Award Come join Rosalba and her grandmother, her abuela, on a magical journey as they fly over the streets, sights, and people of...
Dive into Spanish text and fly high over beautiful New York City with Rosalba and her grandmother in Arthur Dorros' enchanting Abuela. Winner of the Parents' Choice Award. -Tantos p jaros- dice Rosalva mientras les dan de comer-. Y qu tal si los...
Readers are invited to join Rosalb and her grandmother on a magical journey, as they fly over the streets, sights, and people of Manhattan. The story is narrated in English and sprinkled with Spanish phrases.