Fear, where it is least expected, is all the more rich an experience. Such as when it is found among the pages of a story of romance, or a bucolic tale of life mundane. Here are my favorite tales with surprisingly dark moments.
Celebrating Lincoln’s 1809 birth (February 12) and Presidents' Day, we thought it would be fun to explore the appearance of US presidents in fiction. From imaginative retellings to alternate histories to intimate depictions of behind-the-scenes relationships, here are some fun novels about America’s commanders-in-chief.
Happy almost Halloween! It's also the anniversary of the publication of Jane Austen's classic Sense and Sensibility, so we thought we should find a way to celebrate both—a bit of a mash-up, if you will. In fact, mash-up is kind of the perfect word to describe the books we are highlighting this week.
Vampires, werewolves, monsters, zombies, wizards, witches, and all things that go bump in the night. These topics used to be relegated to fiction pulled out in the fall to get us geared up for Halloween, but now have their own presence in the literary world. So how did they make the leap from October reading material to year-round "go to" reads? I have three words for you: teen paranormal fiction, and I’m not just talking about books, or in our case, used books like Twilight and Harry Potter. Sure, Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling made it “cool” again to write about fantastical elements. It helps that these are usually easy reads and always leave us wanting more; another series, another set of characters, and another chance to further our paranormal addiction.