""Aboard The Mersey: Or Our Youngest Passenger"" is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1886. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Jessie who is traveling with her family aboard a ship called The Mersey. Jessie is the youngest passenger on the...
Aboard The Mersey: Or Our Youngest Passenger is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1886. The story is set aboard a ship called The Mersey, which is sailing from Liverpool to New York. The main character is a young girl named Mabel, who is traveling with her...
Aboard The Mersey: Or Our Youngest Passenger (1886) is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples. The story revolves around a young girl named Maud, who is the youngest passenger on a ship sailing from Liverpool to New York. Maud is traveling with her parents and her older brother,...